Employee Development

The people side of business.

Investing in the development of your staff is a proven way to enhance employee engagement and retention. At Employee Development Strategies, Inc. we do not deliver canned learning solutions. Upholding best practices in adult learning theory, we design and facilitate interactive professional development workshops that provide practical opportunities to translate learning to the work setting.

While every learning solution is customized to client needs, common learning workshop topics include:

Communication Strategies
Professionalism for Today’s Workplace
Teambuilding / Team Dynamics
Coaching & Development for Supervisors
Performance Management Best Practices
Facilitating Effective Meetings

To get the most out of custom learning workshops, Suzanne is a certified administrator of key assessment tools, which may be used in conjunction with a workshop or as part of individual leadership coaching:

Kaplan-Devries Leadership Versatility Index
Communication Preference Inventories